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Top 10 Innovation Articles of 2020

Well, it was… a year.

For all of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of digital transformation and accelerated digital transformations already underway. As companies look to the future, they should solidify digital foundations and ecosystems to meet near-term demands while building long-term resilience and flexibility.

At Kalypso, we believe in the power of creativity, diversity and innovation to change the world.

Readers of our Viewpoints magazine know that digital transformation can accelerate business growth, maximize productivity and optimize operations. They believe, like we do, that the most successful digital transformation initiatives result in better products that can improve people’s lives and expand human possibility.

This year’s list of top innovation articles reflects this, with practical advice on digital transformation of the value chain, from the product to the plant to the end user.

Top Ten Innovation Articles

Here are our top ten innovation articles of 2020, across a variety of industries, themes and functions, ranked by unique page views.

"COVID-19 [has] made the digital thread more important than ever. The challenges we face today serve as a call to action... to invest in its future, but the path forward is still not clear."

#10 - Digital Thread in Life Sciences: The Future of Product Innovation

By Shamina Merchant, Leo Moran, Dave Hadfield

What do the digital thread and digital twin look like for medical device companies? Here's a look at a practical example and a prescription for success. Getting started may be different than you think!

[Editor’s note – see more articles about the digital thread in life sciences]

#9 - Dispelling the Myth of Sustainability vs Profit

By Leo Moran, Alejandra Garza, Daniela Gallegos

Today, climate risk IS investment risk. Companies are now accountable to a broad group of stakeholders as they seek ways to reduce environmental, social and governance risks. Here's how sustainability and profit come together to drive value for stakeholders around the world.

#8 – Smart Factories: 12 Lessons Learned from the Field

By Reinier Stomp, John Woods, Benjamin Arredondo, Chad Markle

Based on Kalypso’s experience helping our clients build brand new smart factories and transform traditional plants, here are 12 lessons learned for others undertaking the journey.

[Editor’s note – read the eBook on Accelerating Smart Factories]

#7 - Accelerate Your Transition to DPC with Practical Lessons Learned

By Will Yester, Steve Riordan

At a time when there has never been more clarity around the need to make strategic changes to product development models, there has never been less discretionary money to spend on making them. Get started immediately with these lessons learned in three key areas.

#6 – Manufacturing Redefined: How to Accelerate Towards a Digital Future

By Sagar Asalapuram, Betsy Tao

The role of manufacturing is essential in a global crisis, but there are huge changes on the way for how manufacturers manage workplace safety, logistics, supply chains, inventory control, and warehouse operations. Here’s how to survive today and accelerate towards a digital future.

[Editor’s note – check out our 2020 Manufacturing Playbook]

#5 - Nine Trends Impacting Technology Strategy for Retail Product Development

By Steve Riordan, Will Yester, Chris Thaxton, Richa Agarwal

As the technologies that support retail product development rapidly evolve, it’s time to assess and rethink legacy technology strategies. Here are nine things to consider when developing your future technology strategy.

[Editor’s note – check out this video series on accelerating digital transformation for retailers and brands]

"Crises serve as a catalyst for change, ushering in new approaches, new models and new technologies."

#4 - CPG’s New Business as Usual: Tactics to Prepare for the Future

By Colin Speakman

Advice for consumer goods companies. As days go by and challenges mount, what actions will you take to adapt and survive in the near-term? Thinking ahead, how will your business look different? What can you do now to prepare for this future?

#3 - Future of Supply Chains – Tactics to Prepare for a New Normal

By Jeff Patrick, Guillermo Ibarguengoytia

Today’s environment has created a unique and unprecedented set of challenges for supply chains across the globe. What can manufacturers do to turn these challenges into opportunities, and prepare for a more resilient future?

#2 - Innovating Through a Crisis – Urgent Need for DPC

By Steve Riordan, Will Yester

The COVID-19 crisis provides the opportunity to accelerate toward a fundamentally different model for retail product development - digital product creation. While it's tempting to postpone such efforts in the current climate, it's more important than ever to give them a higher priority.

[Editor’s note – check out the results of our 5th annual survey on DPC maturity for retailers and brands]

#1 - Drive a Culture of Quality with Digital QMS

By David Wolf, Max Huff

As the medical device industry shifts toward value-based healthcare, the traditional focus on compliance is not enough. Here are the benefits of closed loop digital quality management, and a three-phased approach to get there.

[Editor’s note – check out a recorded webinar on Digital QMS with a case study from Conmed]

Thank You!

Thank you to our subscribers, readers, and authors for making 2020 a great year, despite everything happening in the world.

Wishing you a 2021 filled with innovation and transformation,

Amy Kenly
Viewpoints, A Kalypso Publication