Viewpoints On Consumer Goods Smart Connected Operations

Guidance on how to leverage digital technologies across product development, manufacturing, operations, supply chain and service ​to improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness, increase safety, decrease enterprise risk and return measurable shareholder value.

Most Recent Viewpoints

John Woods 2018 Reinier Stomp 2018 1538623365116 Chad Markle 2018
Article: Smart Factories: 12 Lessons Learned from the Field
Reinier Stomp 2018 Stephen Birtsas 2012 9bfdc7d2 d8ef 455c 86b2 6ea6b70bfcca
Article: CPG’s New Normal: Three Focus Areas for Smart Connected Operations
Venkat G profile 1 Sagar Headshot Betsy Tao 2018
Article: Manufacturing Redefined: How to Accelerate Towards a Digital Future
Kelly Kornet 2017 1538623365116 Chad Markle 2018 John Woods 2018
Article: Is It Time to Invest in Additive Manufacturing? Three Things to Consider
David Comerford 2018 Michael Glessner 2015 Dury Jpg
Article: Getting Started with Smart Connected Operations
David Comerford 2018 Michael Glessner 2015 Dury Jpg
Article: Practical Steps for Smart Connected Operations
Hadley Bauer 2018 Michael Glessner 2015
Article: Justified: Smart Factory Investments