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Article: Transforming Product Development in Hard Goods: PLM Drives Innovation and Product Development Transformation

How can hard goods manufacturers or retailers build on the PLM use cases from other industries, and what unique value can a PLM transformation offer to them?

Article: Two Ways IoT is Disrupting (and Helping) the Manufacturing Process

The internet of things (IoT) is an emerging technology that has the potential to disrupt the manufacturing industry. Here are some two important ways IoT can benefit manufacturing, and some examples of companies with effective IoT manufacturing strategies.

Article: Your Planning Approach is Broken: Five Factors for Integrated Planning Success

The traditional approach to planning, one that is linear and functionally-driven, is broken. Here are the benefits of an Integrated Planning approach, and five factors to keep in mind to set yourself up for success.

Article: Six Critical Success Factors for Data Governance

Data is considered a vital strategic asset, but for most companies, the lack of usability, integrity and availability of the data impedes the ability to harness its total value. Data governance can help, but requires these six factors for true success.

Article: Behaviors that Fuel Innovation #4: Make Offers to Take the Game to a Whole New Level

When it comes to executing complex projects, clarity of communication yields results. Direct conversation provides an ideal climate that removes ambiguity and fosters real innovation in a project setting.

Article: Behaviors that Fuel Innovation #3: Escalate for Rapid Conflict Resolution

In the heat of any complex innovation project, there will be times where conflict arises around requests and commitments. Don't let these situations fester - escalate to quickly resolve the issue.

Article: Behaviors that Fuel Innovation #2: Make Requests - The Direct Path to Commitments

How does an effective manager get project participants to make commitments? By building joint accountability for project success through formal requests.

Article: Behaviors that Fuel Innovation #1: Make Commitments - The Cornerstone of Results

Trust matters. Commitment matters. For any complex project, upfront, cross-functional planning with critical dependencies identified is key to success. Commitments are important building blocks of the plan, and seeking these commitments is critical.

Article: Four Behaviors that Fuel Innovation: Unleash Commitments, Requests and Offers to get the Innovation Results you Seek

Bad habits can negatively impact innovation. Instill these behaviors in your innovation teams to improve results and sustain them over time.

Download: Open Innovation: Practical First Steps for B2B Companies

Considering an open innovation initiative? Don’t take it lightly. For B2B companies who face unique additional challenges, identifying and achieving value can be especially difficult. If your company sees the value and is ready to get started, here are four critical steps that will help ensure success.