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Article: PLM-Enabled Quality Compliance for Medical Device Part 3 – Records, Documents and Change Controls

For medical device and life sciences companies to be compliant, they must maintain a secure central data and records management system. Here's how to leverage PLM to manage records, documents and change controls.

Article: PLM-Enabled Quality Compliance for Medical Device Part 2 – Design Controls

PLM enables FDA compliance in many areas, including design controls. Here's how medical device companies can leverage PLM to enable visibility across all projects and product design activities.

Article: PLM-Enabled Quality Compliance for Medical Device Part 1 – PLM at the Core

This blog series will focus on the systems that enable life science and medical device compliance, starting with the core system - product lifecycle management (PLM).

Article: Practical Analytics Use Case for Retail: Use of Advanced Analytics to Reduce Line Volatility

To be more nimble, productive and profitable, retail, footwear, and apparel companies need to focus on increasing efficiency in the product development process. Here’s one practical example of the application of advanced analytics to achieve this goal.

Article: The Resurgence of Retail: Focus on Customer Empathy to Refresh the In-store Shopping Experience

The retail industry has drastically transformed throughout the last several years due to a multitude of factors. With the combination of factors at play, retailers are challenged to efficiently adapt to or drive value with digitalization.

Article: How PLI Can Decrease the Cost of Quality and Compliance

Early adopters of PLM have achieved valuable benefits to the product development process. However, PLM alone can no longer help.

Article: Streamlining your EU MDR Compliance Journey

The European medical device industry is undergoing a transformation as the new European Medical Device Regulation is set to come into effect. As companies rethink their current strategies amidst the evolving regulatory landscape, they’re able to take market share from competitors by becoming an EU MDR compliance pioneer. Those organizations that are non-compliant will be unable to participate in the EU market until they are certified.

Article: Product Lifecycle Intelligence: Turn PLM Data into Insights with Machine Learning

Discrete manufacturers and R&D professionals have long viewed product lifecycle management (PLM) as a means to enhance manufacturing and design process management, data integrity and digital mockup. While these capabilities serve as a baseline to address operational challenges, current out-of-the-box solutions lack the maturity to maximize the value of product data and quickly tie it to business decisions.

Article: Pillars to Successful Organizational Change Management

When pursuing a costly, multi-year business transformation program that will change the way an organization operates, it is imperative to understand the compelling case for change and how it will drive results. We've identified eight key pillars to success to help you get started:

Article: Transformative Innovation Involves Risk: But you can pick the type of risk most suited for your organization!

Before firms jump into the space of bigger, more transformative, innovation there are several conversations that need to occur but rarely do. Here are three good conversations that should occur before launching a transformative innovation effort.