Saluting Innovation @ EyeJack

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Saluting innovation at EyeJack for providing a platform for the curation and distribution of augmented art.

Art is constantly changing, regardless of its medium, and every artist aims to create something new, unique and game changing. Artist and comic creator, Sutu, and his business partner Lukasz Karluk have developed a project called “Prosthetic Reality”, an art book that features 45 augmented reality (AR) artists from around the world. Each piece of art comes alive with colorful animation and sounds when viewed through the EyeJack App, revealing a deeper meaning to and more tangible interaction with their work.

AR offers every artist, designer or illustrator the ability to express their unique voice, create dynamic animations, share personal narratives and compose auditory experiences in a medium that engages the viewer in a new way.

We salute EyeJack for breaking the boundaries of the canvas, bringing printed illustrations to life and making art an entirely new and exciting experience.

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