Transform the way you envision, develop and launch new products and solutions

Background image: IHT Aero Kalypso

We help aerospace and defense companies harness digital solutions to bring products to market more efficiently, sustainably and profitably.

The Federal Aerospace and Defense (FA&D) industry is at a critical juncture. From legacy infrastructure to aging assets and workforce, to disruptive digital technologies, FA&D companies face challenges that impact business operations, performance and results.

Organizations are compelled to right-size, lower fixed costs, increase investment in digital tools and migrate to remote business models.

The industry is also under increasing pressure to address sustainability concerns and meet escalating cybersecurity regulatory standards.

These challenges affect all roles within FA&D organizations, forcing leadership to rethink business models, organizational structures and product delivery methodologies. They also open new opportunities for companies to digitalize, optimize and transform their business processes and operations.

Real Results

  • Up to 40% faster time to market
  • Up to 50% improvement in ECO cycle times
  • 10% OEE improvement
  • 10%+ increased production capacity
  • 30%+ increased asset utilization
  • Up to 40% reduction in commissioning time
  • 15–25% reduced transportation warehousing cost
  • 3570% reduction in inventories

The Digital Thread for Aerospace and Defense

Leading FA&D companies are focused on foundational software solutions and emerging technologies that enable a digital thread across their organizations and ecosystems.

A holistic digital thread spans the entire product lifecycle within a company and extends outward to suppliers, customers, products and people in the field. This increased connectivity from ideation to product development through manufacturing, supply chain and service, creates a closed loop between the physical and digital worlds and enables them to learn from each other, improving operations and driving efficiencies across the value chain.

Product Management

  • Capture and manage customer needs
  • Validate products before going into production


  • Improve quality and first-time yield rates
  • Reduce failures in the field, and warranty costs

Suppliers & Supplier Management

  • Manage preferred vendors and suppliers
  • Sharing product data across the supply chain


  • Improve production efficiencies and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
  • Reduce asset downtime and changeover times
  • Increase overall throughput and worker productivity

Quality & Regulatory

  • Better utilize customer and product usage
  • Leverage incidents data as input to product development

Field Service

  • Improve technician effectiveness and first time-fix-rates (FTFR)
  • Reduce asset downtime, truck rolls and time-to-resolution
  • Enable product-as-a-service and outcome-based business models

Customer Operations

  • Efficiently deliver customer focused product offerings

How We Help FA&D Companies with Digital Transformation

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

Establish foundational infrastructure to manage critical product data throughout the entire product lifecycle, opening opportunities for further digital transformation.

Models Based Enterprise (MBE)

Leverage rich 3D CAD data to drive downstream manufacturing processes without reliance on engineering drawings.

Extended Enterprise Collaboration

Enable secure and controlled collaboration across internal and external domains via collaborative working environments.

Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) & Service Lifecycle Optimization

Optimize aftermarket processes utilizing product development artifacts integrated with service activities and bills of material (BOMs). Stage maintenance more efficiently and reduce downtime with real-time state monitoring and predictive / prescriptive analysis of potential failures.

Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

Holistic modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation activities from concept through retirement.

Sustainability Energy Management (SEM)

Enhance environmental sustainability and reduce costs by analyzing and optimizing water, air, gas, electric and steam (WAGES) use.

Digital Performance Management (DPM)

Improve overall production performance by capturing lost production time and gaining insights to develop strategies to minimize downtime.

Organizational Change Management (OCM)

Manage for cultural resistance, drive adoption and facilitate smooth transformation within the organization.

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)

Empower the connected worker by overlaying digital information into how work gets done. Accelerate training with on-demand, in-field contextual work instructions. Improve collaboration with tools allowing multiple users to visualize and interact with a product's digital twin in a physical or virtual environment.

Background image: IHT Aero Section 2023

The Kalypso Difference

We are industry practitioners with first-hand knowledge of the unique business process, user and technology challenges that impact the FA&D industry. We serve top organizations looking to navigate the complexities of the secure, ITAR-sensitive FA&D landscape, helping them thrive through technological advancement and digital transformation.

Technology Partners

Embrace digital transformation, make your mark on the industry.

Enhance product efficacy and quality while improving sustainable operations through digital innovation, let’s get started.

Thought Leaders

Jeff Miller
Principal & Global Practice Leader, FA&D