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Deep Dive on Digital Product Creation in Retail Research

DPC in Retail: Insights & Trends | Video Series

This year’s Digital Product Creation (DPC) in Retail Research was conducted by Kalypso, with sponsorship from the Fashion Innovation Agency and the London College of Fashion, to bring the current landscape of DPC initiatives to light. The goal is to help retailers understand how established and emerging digital solutions are being scaled, driving growth and shaping the industry.

This video series takes the key insights from this year's research and turns them into conversations between Kalypso subject matter experts and London College of Fashion's, Matthew Drinkwater.

Our first video features Kalypsonian Will Yester and London College of Fashion's Matthew Drinkwater, covering organizational change management (OCM), the return to the office and scarcity of skilled talent.

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The second session features Kalypsonian Karime Nasser and London College of Fashion's Matthew Drinkwater. They cover the return on investment (ROI) for DPC initiatives and the importance of foundational technologies.

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Watch now our video #3 that features Kalypsonian Cris Lipscombe and London College of Fashion's Matthew Drinkwater, covering the use of AI, speed to market and sustainability.

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In this video series, you heard brief conversations on the main topics of this year's survey: organizational change management, skilled talent, return on investment and DPC, foundational technologies, AI and emerging tech, speed to market and sustainability. To explore these topics further and the insights from this year's survey, read the full DPC research here.

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