Thrive through disruption and evolve with the digital thread

Background image: Consumer Digital Thread Kalypso

We help companies connect the enterprise by establishing a seamless flow of information across the value chain.

Connecting systems from product ideation to production to the end consumer establishes a digital thread of information enabling organizations to gain new insights, unlock hidden opportunities, and perform better in a disrupted and changing environment.

A broken data thread results in risks down the value chain in terms of production, scheduling, time to market and product quality.

The legacy of siloed systems, data and operations inhibits companies from achieving the benefits of a connected enterprise — planning, coordination and optimization at the scale of the enterprise and across the value chain.

An incomplete digital thread represents missed opportunities for performance optimization and insights.

The end-to-end visibility of a sound digital thread means you can respond to market opportunities with better agility, adapt to consumer demands, and respond to supply chain instability without straining your operation. At the scale of the enterprise, this means exponential results.

Real Results

  • 2-6% increase in production efficiency
  • 10-30% reduction in downtime
  • Up to 30% increase in worker productivity
  • 30% reduction in training time to proficiency
  • 5% improvement in asset utilization
  • 5-10% reduction in energy costs
  • 10-30% reduction in maintenance costs
  • 8% reduction in warranty costs
  • 5-10% reduction in WIP inventory costs
  • Increased cyber security
  • More efficient planning of outbound logistics
  • Enhanced supply chain stability and responsiveness

Benefits of an Effective Digital Thread Strategy

The digital thread delivers measurable business outcomes by transforming the way consumer and retail companies discover, create, make and sell.


Product Development

New Product Growth and Innovation



Faster Speed to Market



Lower Cost of Goods

Better Productivity

Increased OEE


Supply Chain

Improved Bottom Line Performance

Improved Coordination

Operational Flexibility

Market Adaptability

The digital thread powers how consumer & retail industry leaders address critical challenges

Operational Challenges

Material Costs – availability and inflation is a constant concern

Material Usage - availability, loss and yield are front and center

Worker Shortages – COVID disruptions, workforce availability and demands

Quality / Regulations – increasing government and industry scrutiny

Production Efficiencies – pressure to maintain and eliminate costs

Supply Chain Disruptions – inbound and outbound logistics issues

Consumer Demands

Customization – consumer centric products and product lines

Traceability – friendly sourcing, source guarantees, quality

Sustainability – corporate responsibility

Pricing / Value – constant price pressures and increasing costs, always

Background image: 1
Case Study / $10B+ Food & Beverage Company

Case Study / $10B+ Food & Beverage Company: Resolving Data Inconsistencies with Data Science

  • Identified over 5,000 data misalignments between three systems and five data environments

  • Synchronized data across the various systems and environments, creating a consistent dataset across systems

  • Saved hundreds of manual labor hours on the initial data clean up, and continued hours will be saved using the new system for ongoing maintenance

Data Synchronization with Data Science

Client had data across three different internal data sources, and it was not in sync, causing discrepancies between how product data was defined in different systems. The goal was to decrease manual data input labor and data errors across the three sources and five environments. It was recognized that data science would be necessary to synchronize the data and leverage it as source of truth moving forward, internally and externally with suppliers. The custom code created identified misalignments and produced a recommended change based on client's global data standards. The recommended changes were reviewed by SMEs and once approved, scheduled within the systems' existing IT refresh schedules to ensure this program would have long lasting results. Our approach ensured consistent data resolution and minimized SME time needed.

How We Help Companies Enable the Digital Thread

We apply short-term focus with a long-term vision approach to digital transformation and the enablement of the digital thread. We start by addressing immediate needs and demonstrating value through targeted minimum viable product (MVP), adapting to the maturity level of the organization while keeping an eye on the big picture goals and the potential across the greater enterprise.

Consulting & Program Development

  • Opportunity identification and business case development
  • Enterprise architecture and technology road-mapping

Implementation Services & Program Management

  • MVP identification and deployment
  • Enterprise-scale deployment
  • New functionality deployments and upgrades

Organizational Change Management

  • Organizational and leadership alignment
  • Communication plans and execution for launch and adoption

Thought Leaders

Steve Headshot 1 July 2022 Compressed
Principal and Global Practice Leader, CPG
Drew Cekada 2016
Principal & Global Practice Leader, Retail
Jeff Botsch Karma 2021 High Resolution 9931
Jeff Botsch