Protect your brand and maximize your productivity with advanced process control optimization

Background image: Consumer Process Control Kalypso

We help companies protect their brand reputation by reducing process variability and improving first pass quality with advanced process control (APC).

Delivering consistent quality and protecting brand equity in consumer goods and retail has become a painful balancing act.

Supply chain disruptions mean raw material costs are soaring. Changing consumer preferences are increasing scrutiny over sustainability practices. Increased demand means equipment is running at peak capacity.

The workforce is also feeling the strain, resulting in peak turnover rates and loss of critical manufacturing knowledge.

Real-time optimization of your processes helps you navigate these challenges and protect your brand by maximizing quality and yield of your existing products.

Real Results

  • 3-5% increase in throughput and capacity with existing assets
  • Up to 60% reduction in off-spec product
  • Up to 60% increase in first pass quality
  • 0.15%-0.25% increase in yield
  • 2%-5% less energy needed per ton/LB

Benefits of Process Control & Optimization

Increase Capacity

Maximize your existing assets without spending capital on staffing new lines or adding new equipment

Reduce Variability

Model predictive control (MPC) means you gain better control over quality limits and targets

Increase Yield

Reduce give-away by running processes closer to spec limits (increase moisture content, improve raw material recovery)

Continuously Improve Operational Efficiency

Empower workforce with real-time intelligence

Measurably improve energy and water use while producing more, better quality product

How We Help Companies Deploy Process Control & Optimization

We improve yield and throughput, and reduce process variability by modeling your operations and deriving predictions to enable closed loop control of your current process systems.

Dryers & Evaporators

Deliver consistent output to meet product specifications by optimizing moisture removal and energy use

Dairy Standardization

Improve solids non-fat content of cream/milk to reduce give-away and increase production yields by harmonizing with product specifications and industry standards

Blending Optimization

Ensure most efficient use of raw materials to meet recipe quality with continuous blending optimization

Food Line Optimization

Drive to target run totals, quality and yield KPIs by delivering the best throughput with improved process unit control and line balancing

Fill Optimization

Deliver upstream consistency of product to improve fill efficiency and tighter control in the packaging area for filling effort

Thought Leaders

Steve Riordan
Principal and Global Practice Leader, CPG
Drew Cekada 2016
Principal & Global Practice Leader, Retail