Viewpoints By

Article: The Future of Retail: Three Characteristics of a Resilient, Consumer-Led Brand

Out of sheer necessity, many apparel and footwear brands have transformed over the last year. Now is the time to build on this momentum to grow and scale that transformation – and not slip back to old ways of working.

Article: The Future of Field Service: Three Use Cases for Smart Connected Operations

The future of field service is digital. Here are three important use cases that demonstrate the business value of remote delivery solutions that connect products and operations.

Article: Digital Service Transformation: Shift Service from a Cost Center to a Differentiator

For companies that manufacture complex capital equipment that sits in a hospital, manufacturing plant or other industrial setting for years, optimizing the way those products are serviced, updated and upgraded can be a competitive differentiator.

Article: Sustainability and the Digital Thread

With innovation and the digital thread, Earth Day can be every day. Here's how to meet product design and manufacturing sustainability goals with the digital thread.

Article: Voice of Customer (VoC) Analytics – A New Normal in Today’s Retail Environment

In January 2021, First Insight and Kalypso hosted a webinar on the growing importance of Voice-of-Customer (VoC) Analytics in the retail landscape. Here are some key insights.

Article: How to Select the Right AR Device for Industrial Applications

Choosing the right device has a huge impact on the success (or failure) of a scalable AR program. Here are six important considerations to help companies choose the right device for the right business need.

Article: Research Summary – Digital Product Creation Maturity in RFA

3D and DPC jumped in importance for footwear and apparel brands in 2020, but how close are we to full scale adoption and real results? Our research shows five key insights.

Article: Top 10 Innovation Articles of 2020

It was a year unlike any other, as companies struggled to meet near-term demands while seeking long-term resilience. This year's list of top innovation articles reflects the importance and acceleration of digital transformation as a means to survive and thrive in the future.

Article: Dispelling the Myth of Sustainability vs. Profit

Today, climate risk IS investment risk. Companies are now accountable to a broad group of stakeholders as they seek ways to reduce environmental, social and governance risks. Here's how sustainability and profit come together to drive value for stakeholders around the world.

Article: Smart Factories: 12 Lessons Learned from the Field

Based on Kalypso’s experience helping our clients build brand new smart factories and transform traditional plants, here are 12 lessons learned for others undertaking the journey.