Align IT and OT for a more agile and resilient operation

Background image: Consumer ITOT Kalypso

We help companies improve operational agility and capture opportunities in shifting demand patterns without straining their operation.

Operational agility is more imperative now than ever. As demand patterns continue to change, major shifts can and will happen again.

In many segments, consumer demand has spiked sharply, with plants running at full capacity. Heavy focus on consumer marketing and the growth of e-commerce has created the need for manufacturing capabilities and patterns that can support product personalization, packaging variations and smaller order quantities. Manufacturers are forced to be more flexible with new product mix and manufacturing models.

These countless changes and disruptions have highlighted and exacerbated inefficiencies.

Manufacturing agility starts with a shift from using historical data to having real-time visibility to your process and your operation.

Real Results

  • 10% improvement in quality / yield
  • 20% increase in throughput / uptime
  • 80% reduction in manual data collection and analysis activities
  • 20% improvement in schedule adherence
  • Fewer stock outs, lower inventory levels and more accurate inventory
  • Enhanced regulatory compliance with electronic track and trace

We drive top- and bottom-line results for our clients and help them achieve meaningful results across the value chain.


Product Development

Use customer feedback and purchasing information to develop new products

Track real-world customization to gain insight into customer preferences and vastly reduce product development cycles



Democratize real-time data and analytics so they can be used by a highly distributed workforce



Leverage real time visibility to adjust manufacturing process as deviations occur and find opportunities for improvements

Inform planning and scheduling decisions based on enterprise backlog and total available capacity

Identify and mitigate factors that result in more scrap or drive down profitability

Employ advanced analytics to achieve optimal systems performance


Supply Chain

Improve Bottom Line Performance

Know the impact of every decision on overall profitability

How We Help Companies Align IT and OT

We simplify the process by offering a phased implementation approach that provides full end-to-end supply chain visibility.

Traceability & Regulatory Compliance Quality

Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

Process Optimization & Increased Asset Utilization

Control Tower for Real-time Visibility to Actionable Data

Innovation & New Product Development / Delivery

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

Thought Leaders

Steve Headshot 1 July 2022 Compressed
Principal and Global Practice Leader, CPG
Drew Cekada 2016
Principal & Global Practice Leader, Retail
Jeff Botsch Karma 2021 High Resolution 9931
Jeff Botsch