Viewpoints By Ted Farrington

Article: Implementing Global IT Systems: Avoid the “Fix All” Solution

Don't make the mistake of jumping into a global IT system implementation without taking a hard look at what you’re automating first. Avoid this "fix all" approach by viewing the IT system as a tool to lock-in a process. It cannot, on its own, fix process problems.

Article: Lessons Learned: The Difference Between a Successful and a Forgotten Strategic Foresight Initiative

A successful strategic foresight project can continue to drive value for years to come. By ensuring buy in from the organization and key stakeholders and adjusting scenarios as necessary, you can make your foresight journey is a successful one.

Article: Implementing Global IT Systems: Don’t Play the Shell Game

Financial benefits from global IT system implementations often take the form of headcount reductions. But, these reductions cannot only be accounted for by the team sponsoring the initiative. They need to be calculated globally across the entire enterprise.

Article: Strategic Foresight – Leading Practices for the Plan Phase

During Strategic Foresight, the Plan Phase is used to prioritize opportunity areas, ideate new products, services, and experiences, and provide external landmarks for ongoing portfolio management.

Article: Implementing Global IT Systems: Avoid the “Global Roll Out”

This series provides leading practices for avoiding the top ten most common mistakes made during the implementation of large global IT systems in support of R&D or other business processes. Read on to learn how to avoid mistake #1: The "Global" Roll Out

Article: Strategic Foresight – Leading Practices for the Anticipate Phase

In the second phase of strategic foresight - Anticipate - we forecast trends into the future and analyze how they will interact to create novel future environments.

Article: Strategic Foresight – Leading Practices for the Discover Phase

During the first phase of Strategic Foresight - Discover - the goal is to understand what elements of the external environment impact value creation and indicate forces of change. 

Article: A Practical Approach to Strategic Foresight and Scenarios

Strategic foresight enables companies to build a proprietary view of the future that drives breakthrough innovation. But not all foresight approaches are created equal. Here are our recommendations for a 3-phase process customized for innovation.

Article: Understanding Strategic Foresight: The History of Scenario Planning

Strategic foresight is a discipline that provides a structured way to investigate, not predict, the future. Strategic foresight scenarios are provocative, yet plausible, alternative views of the future. But where did this idea come from?

Article: Using Strategic Foresight to Guide Longer Range Innovation Investments

Strategic foresight is a discipline that provides a structured way to investigate, not predict, the future. In the research and development context, strategic foresight is advanced portfolio management, where projects are selected based on robustness across multiple future scenarios.