Viewpoints By Maria Lowry

Article: Exploring a Sustainable Digital Thread

We sat down with Kalypso and PTC subject matter experts to discuss ways that companies can optimize their operations for greater efficiency and sustainability

Article: Digitally-Enabled Sustainability for Pharma

the pharmaceutical industry is held accountable for its sustainable products and operations. To meet this challenge, organizations need to consider the formulation complexity, product safety, quality and regulatory considerations that have been and will remain top of mind.

Article: Digital Knowledge Management: A Key Step on Pharma’s Journey to the Connected Enterprise

In March 2020, the Pharmaceuticals industry faced one of its most public-facing and time-pressing challenges to date: develop, manufacture, and distribute a vaccine for COVID-19 globally as quickly and safely as possible. While sheer human perseverance played a pivotal role in driving the notable speed to market for the vaccine, this approach is not sustainable nor practical for commercial drug products. Digital methods and tools should be leveraged to achieve similar results in a sustainable, efficient, and profitable way. Pharmaceutical manufacturers now face the need to confront these challenges head-on and embrace connectivity across the value chain, starting with laying the digital foundation for innovation in the form of Digital Knowledge Management and Pharma 4.0.

Article: Sustainability and the Digital Thread

With innovation and the digital thread, Earth Day can be every day. Here's how to meet product design and manufacturing sustainability goals with the digital thread.

Article: Securing Smart Operations: A Look at Connectivity, Vulnerability, and Five Steps to Mitigate Risk

The cost of cyber-attacks on the global economy is estimated to exceed $6 trillion by 2021, averaging $4 million per company per attack. With such a high price tag, the risks that accompany smart operations may seem to outweigh the benefits. This could not be further from the truth.