Viewpoints By Jordan Reynolds

Article: The Autonomous Enterprise: Principles of Autonomous Systems

Let’s start with the word “autonomous”, which means “self-governing”. Autonomous manufacturing is the manifestation of “self-governing” systems at every step of the manufacturing process.

Article: The Autonomous Enterprise: Thought Experiment

To understand the basic principles of autonomous systems, consider a scenario in which a human driver approaches a stop sign.

Microblog: For the future of Kalypso, the past is prologue

It’s been two years since we were acquired by Rockwell Automation. The things that felt like science fiction just a few years ago are being built by Kalypsonians today. We’re excited for what the future of this partnership holds!

Article: The Autonomous Enterprise: Introduction

To address social, political, and economic challenges, manufacturers are accelerating digital transformation efforts and prioritizing the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to solve their complex production challenges.

Article: How Non-Tech Companies Can Leverage AI

We talked to Jordan Reynolds, Global Director of Data Science, about how traditionally non-"tech" companies can leverage AI to solve business problems.

Article: The Future of Oil & Gas: Smart Connected Operations and Advanced Analytics

Advanced analytics is not new in the oil and gas exploration and production ecosystem. But as the need increases and technology improves, we’ve reached a tipping point that underscores the urgent imperative to improve oil and gas operations with advanced analytics.

Article: Smart Connected Field Operations: An Oil & Gas Case Study

As the global demand for oil rises, the US shale industry can leverage smart connected operations – enabled by digital technologies – to deliver operational excellence in field operations. Here's an example.

Article: Product Lifecycle Intelligence: Turn PLM Data into Insights with Machine Learning

Discrete manufacturers and R&D professionals have long viewed product lifecycle management (PLM) as a means to enhance manufacturing and design process management, data integrity and digital mockup. While these capabilities serve as a baseline to address operational challenges, current out-of-the-box solutions lack the maturity to maximize the value of product data and quickly tie it to business decisions.

Article: Solution Architecture Strategies for IoT in Medical Devices

Implementing an IoT solution can be a challenging initiative. Implementing an IoT solution within an industry bound by numerous rules, regulations, and restrictions can make it feel impossible.