Dramatically reduce costs with virtual development at scale through modeling and simulation

Background image: Consumer Modeling Simulation Kalypso

We help companies implement cost-effective, successful virtual development to streamline management and decision-making.

As consumer demand for newer, healthier products grows, companies must work faster and more efficiently to develop products, get to market, and improve quality, all while reducing costs and maintaining profitability.

To meet these customer expectations, companies are leaning on virtual development. Virtual development is a comprehensive organizational approach that uses modeling and simulation to streamline management and decision making, create aligned people management, and integrate digital technology.

While modeling and simulation can increase speed to market and improve process efficiency, it’s not a panacea. When implemented correctly, virtual development can make internal processes highly efficient, decreasing time from idea to launch while maintaining profitability.

Real Results

Increase speed to first prototype or formula

Accelerate speed to market

Predict and avoid specification rejection

Reduce specification rework and development errors

Increase labor efficiency

Increase asset utilization

Avoid costly and redundant testing

Improve efficiency and confidence in safety and regulatory approvals

Establish a framework that can be leveraged across functions for automation and optimization

Keys to a Successful Modeling and Simulation Capability

Transform Ways to Work

Using modeling and simulation, we help our customers find new, more efficient ways to work instead of just adding quick fixes to current processes.

Useful Data at Scale

Data isn’t helpful if you can’t use it. We build data extraction and transformation pipelines that get data to the right place, in the right format so it's ready to use.

Focus on Quality

We focus on the “why” behind models and take an approach that delivers value first, while setting the stage for future growth.

How We Help Companies Implement a Successful Virtual Development Strategy

Prioritize Business Value

Properly deployed modeling and simulation helps businesses identify, quantify, and benchmark business value over time.

Data-driven Decision Making

Through integrated digital technology with data, virtual development enables better, more-informed decision making.

Value at Scale

We help businesses implement virtual development processes that will help them innovate today and evolve toward automation in the future.

Thought Leaders

Steve Riordan
Principal and Global Practice Leader, CPG