Viewpoints By Rodney Holmes

Article: Connectivity Across the Energy Value Chain

In a recent webcast with PTC and Ariel, we discussed the digital transformation at a global, heavy industrial company and the reasons and benefits of their connected products journey.

Article: IoMT in Healthcare

We spoke with our senior manager and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) lead for the life sciences industry about the benefits and challenges of the IoMT in healthcare and where he sees it going in the future

Article: Digital Service Transformation: Shift Service from a Cost Center to a Differentiator

For companies that manufacture complex capital equipment that sits in a hospital, manufacturing plant or other industrial setting for years, optimizing the way those products are serviced, updated and upgraded can be a competitive differentiator.

Article: Axeda End-of-Life: Now is the Time to Act

As the Axeda platform approaches it end of life, now is the time to begin a conversion to ThingWorx. Here’s a look at a high-level historical timeline of the platform, its capabilities, and things to consider as you plan your conversion.

Article: Key Considerations for the IoMT: Field Service Medical Event Debrief

The move to the IoMT has huge benefits, but many potential challenges along the way. Here are just a few key things to consider as you pursue your IoMT journey. 

Article: How to Build Internal Support for an IoMT Program

Here’s our advice for building a business case for IoMT initiatives, based on our experiences at the top medical device manufacturers in the world.