Background image: Automation Fair 2023 Banner v2

Automation Fair®
Make it Matter

November 18-21, 2024
Anaheim, California, USA

The digital transformation challenge: sponsorship and investment persist, but adoption and maturity are low.

7 in 10 companies are piloting, implementing or using the digital thread yet 60-80% of projects fail. Initiatives are taking twice as long and costing twice as much as expected. And the performance gap between those that succeed and those that don’t is growing.

Visit our team at Automation Fair to learn how we help manufacturers transition from creating incremental benefit to driving transformational change. Kalypso’s interactive Digital Manufacturing Assessment will demonstrate the methodology for bringing autonomous operations to life, using our proven digital thread assessment to guide manufacturers on a path forward, defined by high impact use cases.

We help you avoid the pitfalls and show business value quickly to create momentum.

Make every moment matter, connect with Kalypso.

Kalypso is Rockwell Automation’s digital services arm.

Our people are innovators, strategists, data scientists and technologists. Product people, with plant-floor expertise.

We bring digital solutions to product problems.

  • Speed time to market
  • Improve quality
  • Increase plant yield
  • Ensure compliance
  • Reduce waste
  • Increase profitability

Real Results

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Case Study / First Solar

Case Study / First Solar: How we helped First Solar ramp faster and deliver better outcomes for sustainable energy with digital twin virtual commissioning of their flagship factory

  • 15% OEE increase during ramp-up

  • 40% reduction in commissioning time

  • Reduced Capex investment

  • Increased training efficiency & efficacy

  • Reduced risk by running ‘what-if’ scenarios

How we helped First Solar ramp faster and deliver better outcomes for sustainable energy with digital twin

First Solar has created a superior digital representation of its material handling system, enabling them to test changes and expansions virtually, as well as predict and prevent operational disruptions.

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Background image: Newcrest Case Study Banner
Case Study / Newcrest Mining

Case Study / Newcrest Mining: Model Predictive Control for More Efficient Mining

  • Higher recovery

  • Greater throughput

  • Reduced power usage

  • Improved process stability

  • Increased gold recovery

How We Helped Newcrest Mining Maximize Efficiency and Profitability Across Processing Plants with Model Predictive Control

In pursuit of greater efficiency and profitability, Newcrest embarked on a multi-year Process Control & Analytics (PC&A) initiative in partnership with the Kalypso Industrial Data Science team. The forward-thinking PC&A framework strategically combined internal skill enhancement with external collaboration, empowering the deployment of cutting-edge technologies including AI and advanced process controls to revolutionize Newcrest's operations.

Newcrest engaged the Kalypso Industrial Data Science team to explore how Pavilion8® model predictive control (MPC) technology could be deployed in its process plants to achieve key targets. The joint efforts of the Newcrest and Kalypso teams yielded improvements that not only met but often more than doubled the initial targets set, delivering significant and ongoing economic and environmental benefits.

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Background image: Digital Tires
Case Study / Industrial Manufacturing

Case Study / Industrial Manufacturing: Building Better Tires with AI

  • 45% reduction in down time

  • 100+ more tires per machine per day

  • 550,000 more tires per year

How we helped a major tire manufacturer make half a million more tires each year

Kalypso was brought in by the client to evaluate their tire production with the goal of reducing down time with the help of AI. We trained an algorithm to predict bad splices before they happen and prescribe pressure setting adjustments via the interface to the machine control system, programmatically bringing the splice within tolerance. Our work made it possible to make over half a million more tires every year.

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