Build a data-driven business for the digital world

We work with clients to deliver business value from their data and information assets. This means building a foundation for accurate, reliable and timely data to inform decisions that drive better business results.

Background image: Enterprise Tech EIM 2023 Kalypso

Businesses today own staggering volumes of data. The amount only continues to grow as IoT and digital technologies create new sources – and types – of data. This structured and unstructured data holds incredible promise for delivering insights that benefit the business – but also poses significant risks if not managed effectively.

While most companies recognize that data provides the foundation for digital and is the core that powers innovation, many still struggle with the basics – finding, managing, trusting and consuming critical data.

Our approach to enterprise information management enables you to build a foundation for data excellence through data governance, data quality and data operations.

How We Help Clients Build Their Data-Driven Business with Enterprise Information Management

We engage stakeholders across the enterprise to understand how your organization’s data strategy maps to your business strategy, reviewing key performance indicators (KPIs) and uncovering existing gaps. Based on this analysis we develop a roadmap to address gaps, identify use cases to achieve quick wins for the business, define the necessary people, processes and technologies, then help you operationalize the strategy.

With our implementation expertise in the leading technology applications, we work with you to evaluate, implement, integrate and upgrade the tools and technologies that enable your data management strategy. Our outsourced and managed services provide ongoing system support, administration, maintenance and hosting as well as business process outsourcing and support.

K icon strategy

Strategy & Roadmap Development

K icon value

Strategic Value & Capabilities Assessment

K icon processes

Process Design & Reengineering

K icon technology

Installations, Upgrades, Extensions, Integrations & Hosting

K icon solution

System Architecture, Design, Development & Configuration

K icon implementation

Data Migration/Intelligent Data Migration, Testing, Validation & Deployment

K icon adoption

User Adoption, Organizational Leadership & Change Management

K icon managed services

Application Management, Support & Hosting

Enterprise Information Management Expertise

Data Quality
Master Data Management (MDM)
Product Data Management (PDM)
Product Information Management (PIM)
Customer Data Management (CDM)
Advanced Analytics

Thought Leaders

JP Romero
JP Romero